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POSTCARD | The Mission

POSTCARD | The Mission

Dimension: 148 mm x 108 mm


The Mission produced some of the most acclaimed shootout scenes in Hong Kong's crime film history, earning director Johnnie To and its cast numerous accolades. One such scene took place in the iconic Lok Hau Fook Restaurant, which has since 1954 retained its old-school charm and serves up traditional Chiuchow cuisine in the formerly Chiuchow enclave of Kowloon City. Nestled amongst beer and cigarettes, and caught in the middle of a dispute over gunpoint, is a dish of crispy taro duck, an authentic Chiuchow classic.

「由杜琪峰導演的《鎗火》,設計了香港犯罪電影史上其中一些最經典的槍戰場面,此片不論台前幕後均贏得不少殊榮。其中一幕於1954年開業、位於九龍城的樂口福酒家中上演。一眾主角於這極具標誌性的傳統潮州酒家內舉槍對峙,氣氛緊張,而一桌香煙與啤酒中,正是經典潮州美食『香酥芋泥鴨』。 」

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