POSTCARD | Echoes of the Rainbow
Dimension: 148 mm x 108 mm
Adapted from director Alex Law's own childhood, Echoes of the Rainbow is an ode to old Hong Kong, a nostalgic reflection on the transience of life, fortune and happiness through stories of hardship, love, hope, and resilience of a working class family. In this heartwarming scene, Mr. Law, a shoemaker, gathers with his family to enjoy a simple dinner of plain rice and vegetables. The success of this film helped revoke a government decree to demolish the heritage buildings on Wing Lee Street, Sheung Wan, which served as principal location for the film.
「以導演羅啟銳的童年為藍本,《歲月神偷》透過一個 60 年代香港基層家庭故事,感嘆人生無常,時光轉瞬即逝,及懷緬老香港。在這溫馨一幕,身為鞋匠的羅先生(任達華飾)一家與隔離鄰舍一起享用一頓簡單的粗菜白飯晚餐。電影深入民心,令更多人欲保留主要取景地永利街,市區重建局最終將永利街一帶剔出重建項目,改劃為保育區。 」
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